Monday, November 7, 2011

Visit TestAmerica at the NEBC's 15th Annual Business & the Environment Conference

November 8-9, 2011
Portland, Oregon

TestAmerica is the leading environmental testing firm, providing comprehensive analytical testing, including analyses for sediments, drinking water, PCB, and dioxin/furan. TestAmerica companies provide services in indoor air, air emissions, and remediation products.

Stop by Booth # 45 to learn more about:
  • TestAmerica's DoD ELAP Accreditation
  • Northwest and Alaska TPH methods (VPH and EPH)
  • Sediment testing and supported programs
  • Specialty analytical techniques for the Pacific Northwest Region

  • Call for more information on TestAmerica's technical expertise and capabilities:
    Portland Laboratory
    (503) 906-9200

    Seattle Laboratory
    (253) 922-2310

    Spokane Laboratory
    (509) 924-9200

    1 comment:

    1. nice blog very informative and detailed blog very useful thnks for sharing such detailed information
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