Method Application:
This method is used to determine the total extractable hydrocarbons as Crude Oil present in a sample.
Market Application:
At the request of the Nebraska Department of Environmental Health, the laboratory validated this analyte using the IA-OA2 method. This request was made for the potential release of crude oil from a new oil pipeline being constructed in the state.
The Legislature recently introduced a bill that would require oil companies that own, operate, or manage a pipeline in Nebraska , to file an extensive application process with the state's Public Service Commission. This would require the submission of a pre-filed testimony, application framework, in addition to providing evidence of any environmental and economic studies of the proposed pipelines.
This method/analyte would use area of the entire chromatogram and compare it against a crude oil standard versus the traditional OA-2 comparing the chromatogram to individual regions of refined gasoline, diesel, and waste oil standards.
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